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更新时间:2025-03-24 11:34:34
But diplomats, too, increasingly find a globe-hopping career hard to combine with a traditional family life.(但外交官们也日益发现,一份奔波于全球的职业同传统的家庭生活很难兼具。)
But also, don't be surprised when policy mistakes combine with unexpected shocks to leave the economy substantially short of potential output and full employment.(但同时,当决策失误加上意料之外的冲击使经济增长缓慢、失业频发时,也不要大为吃惊。)
Because cholesterol can't travel alone through the bloodstream, it has to combine with certain proteins.(胆固醇因为不能单独在血液中移动,所以必须和特定的蛋白质结合。)
The process is simple: you take a known image - called the memory peg - and combine with the element you want to memorize.(过程很简单:你选择一个已知的图像——称为记忆挂钩——和你想记住的要素结合起来。)
We now need to look further to see how exactly this happens and how this may combine with potential difficulties in attention.(下一步要做的,是研究这个问题究竟是由什么造成的,以及它与注意力困难之间的关系。)
Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.(两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合组成一个水分子。)
NIEM sub-schemas easily combine with state and industry sub-schemas because they reside in their own namespaces.(NIEM子模式很容易与州和行业子模式组合在一起,因为它们有自己的名称空间。)
This makes it hard to combine with organic methods (though some researchers are trying).(这样就很难采用有机方法了(尽管研究人士仍在继续尝试)。)
Organized into faculties, it focuses on all the many support resources that combine with textbooks in an educational setting.(它被编排成各种学科,主要侧重于所有结合了教科书的支持资源。)
Or they combine with free radicals to form different, more stable compounds.(抗氧化剂还能和自由基结合,形成其他更稳定的化合物。)
combine with是什么意思 combine with在线翻译 combine with什么意思 combine with的意思 combine with的翻译 combine with的解释 combine with的发音 combine with的同义词